Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Child Like Faith

Brother Bear has been asking when it's going to snow. I kept telling that I didn't know. Today we were in the kitchen and he said, "Mommy, I just can't wait for it to snow!" So, I told him that he could say a prayer and ask God to help it to snow. At first he was a little resistant. He wanted me to pray. I told him that if it was something that he wanted he needed to do it. So, I hear him whisper a prayer. I think he expected it to happen right away. So I had to explain to him that prayer didn't always work that way; that we needed to be patient and wait for God's response. Two hours later we looked outside and, sure enough, it was snowing! Then I had to explain to Brother that when God answered our prayers we needed to thank Him. Joyfully my sweet 3 year old said, "Thank you Jesus for the SNOW!"
Most of the time I feel like a complete failure as a mom. But it's little moments like this that I feel God's hand on my shoulder and sense that, with His help, I'm doing something right.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lead Me

  Last night was the most challenging nights I've had as a mom in a while. And then today wasn't any better. Sister Bear was up crying until 1:30am (teething) and, Brother Bear woke up at 5:50am. (Just normal for him) So needless to say, I was one tired mamma today.
  I really struggled with being patient, kind, and loving to my kids today. I hate to admit it, but there's my confession. All day long I just wanted to leave and go somewhere quiet and calm and just relax. All the whining and crying and complaining just grated on my nerves WAY more than it usually does.
  I think all day long I had to remind myself to call out to God for help. Brother Bear was having a particularly difficult day. (I think he sensed my 'out of body-ness') I don't know how many times I had to scoop him up and apologize to him for being short and lacking patients with him.
  Finally bed time came!!!!! Thank you Lord!!! However, Sister Bear was NOT having it. So I spent an hour getting her to go to sleep. When she finally went to sleep I decided to spend a little time on Pinterest. (my zone out time) I came across this picture and it hit home.

  My heart was overwhelmed today. I literally felt like I was drowning several times today. God is my rock and when I cry out to Him for help He will lead me to higher ground.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Enchiladas with home made Tortillas

I've always wanted to try to make my own tortillas, but I've always been to scared. For one I always thought you had to use Crisco, and I HATE Crisco. And two, it just seems more difficult than it really is. So, here is where I got he tortilla recipe.
Even Sister Bear liked the tortillas.

I kind of had a hard time getting mine super round but they still rolled up really nicely.
So for the enchilada part this is what you'll need.
I combined  Cream of Mushroom soup, half chopped onion, 1cup of cheese, 2cups of chicken, and 1/2 cup of sour cream in a bowl. Then I  dip my tortilla in the bowl so that some of the mixture gets on both sides of the tortilla. Then I spooned some of the mixture into the tortilla and rolled it up. Then I place it into my cooking dish. It should make 10. Then I sprinkle 1 cup of cheese over the top and cook at 350. I just cook until the cheese is melted, and I'm sure the inside is nice and hot.

I like to put sour cream and salsa on the top of mine. SOOO good.

I'm a homeschooling Mamma

This is my first post! EEK. Kind of exciting.
  I'm in the process of homeschooling Brother bear. He's only 3 so I'm trying to create a routine more than anything. He seems to enjoy it; and is doing VERY well.
In our kitchen we have a little nook that I have set up as our make shift classroom.

Having the alphabet up on the wall has helped Brother Bear see the letters and the objects that are associated with them. We use every morning to start our "school" out. We do 2 lessons so far. And then usually Brother likes to play extra games after he's done with his lessons. Brother Bear really likes to look outside and see what the weather is. We also have a few Preschool books that we do too. We don't do them every day as Brother doesn't always have the attention span for it. haha

 In the plastic bin is play dough, coloring utensils, and coloring books and paper. On top is the "Quiet basket".  Sometimes I need Brother Bear to just do something quietly so I can string one thought together. :)

I also have an easel in our "classroom". I like to display the letter of the day for Brother Bear to see, and we usually end of talking about it throughout the day.

Last but not least we have a verse of the week. Brother is still getting the hang of this, but I try to say the verse  to him a few times during the day and then I have him try to repeat after me.